The dark side

Week 9 post op.

I’ve been working really hard at all my exercises, doing them very diligently twice a day and really trying to increase my ROM (range of motion) and stretch that damn achilles tendon.

I thought I was doing pretty well. Then I went back to see my PT. She wasn’t happy with my ROM at all. She was horrified by my dorsiflexion (lack of it, rather).

I spent the next two days in depression again. I had worked so hard for weeks! Every damn step causes pain, I have literally been doing some exercises with tears welling up in my eyes (lunges, assisted squats and walking on toes). All that sweat and tears didn’t amount to anything?

Does it ever go back to normal? Most people say that are back at 90% after one or two years. Is it really so tough? How can I live like this?

I got engaged in August. I broke my ankle in September. Months ago, we had set our wedding date for 29th Nov (yesterday). Now we have pushed it to January, so that I would have time to recover and not be on crutches for my wedding (I probably can’t dance at my own wedding). Plus now I’ve put on weight, which I’m sure I can’t lose since I can’t run, jog or jump rope. The only good thing is that my fiancé has been my rock. He has been so patient and supportive, and has been with me every step of the way.

Is God really good? Sometimes I wonder whether God is mean and evil and he just causes pain and suffering. And its our job to overcome them and get on with life. Because come on, if God really cared about me, wouldn’t he at least make the pain less? It’s the least he can do. I pray, but now I’m thinking… is there any point? Why do bad things happen to good people? (assuming I’m good). It could have been a simple sprain, but no…. a complex fracture that needed surgery. And a shitload of torturous rehab. Seriously, give me a break! (not literally)

I just want to be normal again.

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